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Sunday School
Sunday School classes meet during the worship service.

Children and youth sit with their families in the Sanctuary for the first 15–20 minutes of the service. After the choir anthem, children and youth are invited to continue their worship in the respective classes. The Sunday School Classes offered include:

Child Care and Pre-K

To provide parents an opportunity to enter fully into the worship experience, we offer child care during the Sunday morning worship service with the help of paid staff.


The Nest, Room 201, provides a cozy environment for children aged 6 months to Pre-School. There is no formal education component for babies and preschoolers but we believe that, while they are here, children form a vital fundamental expectation of church as a loving place where they are cared for.

Kindergarten - 2nd Grade

Meeting the Reef, Room 203, K-2nd Graders learn ancient stories of Jewish and Christian tradition with experienced volunteers using the Growing in God's Love story Bible. Children frequently act out these stories, enjoy songs, arts and craft projects and free-choice play.

3rd- 5th Grade

Using the Joyful Path and Illustrated Compassion curricula, classes begin the exploration of questions about faith, grounded in the Baptist core concept of soul liberty. Classes use a variety of stories, crafts, songs, games and rituals that are designed to help build the children’s confidence in themselves as spiritual beings. Children are invited to choose either the Earth Kids room, with more contemplative and art-based activities, or the Fire Kids room, with more physical games and movement.

Middle School (6th - 8th Grade)

Middle Schoolers, grades 6–8, meet in the new youth room.  These young people are excused from the Sanctuary for class when the younger children come forward for the Moment as Children. In this class, youth look at the Bible through the Echo the Story curriculum, using videos, storytelling, discussion, and activities.

Middle School youth also participate in a monthly Friday Night Club, socializing at events like laser tag, haunted houses, scavenger hunts, movie nights, ice skating, and art projects.

High School (9th - 12th Grade)

These young people are excused from the Sanctuary for class after the sermon. In this class, youth participate in theological reflection on current events, personal experiences, and social justice issues.


High School youth can also participate on the Youth Leadership team planning service projects and community advocacy events for the youth program and congregation..


For more information, please contact Jillian Westerfield, Associate Minister.

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